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3D Scan and Sell your own One-of-a-Kind NFT

CI3D Team

Updated: Jul 9, 2022

You may have heard the terminology, NFT, thrown around lately in the media. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Non-fungible means "not replaceable", and an NFT refers to the uniqueness of a product The product may be a work of art, a photo or meme, an autographed collectible, a video or music. Think of an heirloom you may have inherited, passed down from generation to generation. You have a physical object, but what if you could sell a digitally encrypted form of your object? This digital file would only be available to those who purchase the right to own the file. In an internet based world where everything is public information, and where you can find anything with a simple click of a button or Google search, NFTs could bring some semblance of privacy and ownership back to the owner. Initially, it sounds a little sci-fi, as one may wonder what would another person want to do with a digital file now or in the future? Could these files be used to replicate objects, or could they be stored in a virtual museum for future generations to see or experience?

3D scanning is used to capture 3D objects. The files can also be used as NFTs. For example, remember that basketball or baseball you had signed by your famous player? What if you could 3D scan your ball, capture every stitch, color and grain of the ball, as well as the unique signed autograph? You could then use this scan data to generate an NFT on an NFT marketplace, such as OpenSea, Rarible, Grimes’ choice, or Nifty Gateway, and sell your unique collectable with other enthusiasts of the game. Artists and sculptors alike could also sell their unique pieces of art as NFTs. Imagine if you owned an NFT of the Mona Lisa? Your digital certificate of ownership allows you to publish the NFT online without fear of copyright infringement.

Street art by Corona Gallery, NYC

Basketball signed by former Charlotte Hornets basketball player, Kemba Walker

Who would have thought we would see futuristic predictions of the Jetsons, a cartoon first produced in the 1960s, actually manifest at some point in our lifetime? From video chatting to digital newspapers, these futuristic predictions seemed far fetched at the time. However, these ideas eventually came to fruition in a much shorter time frame then many would have predicted. In this same way, NFTs may be the wave of the future, and 3D scanning may prove to be the method necessary to capture and digitally preserve art, collectibles and one-of-a-kind heirlooms which can be placed in digital time capsules for years to come.

Are you an artist looking to digitally preserve your unique work of art?

Schedule your 3D scanning service today.

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